Note that appearances for Shape and Edge element types are taken from the theme that was last applied to the diagram ( if no theme is applied to the diagram, then the default theme is consulted). 注意Shape与Edge元素类型的外观来自于最后应用于图表的主题(如果图表没有应用任何主题,那么默认的主题会得到咨询)。
The same rule applies for connectors: appearance next to Edge element type will be applied to a connector, unless a customization for that connector type is done. 相同的规则也适用于连接器Edge元素类型的外观将会适用于一个连接器,除非该连接器的定制已经完成。
It was edited from the original text. On the basis of dual variables variational principle for electromagnetic waveguides, dual edge element is presented in this thesis. 这是照原文刊行的。本文基于对偶变量变分原理,参照矢量基有限元的构造,提出了电磁波导的对偶棱边元。
A surface edge element method is proposed and implemented in the study of electromagnetic scattering fields of general targets. 首先根据物体剖分得出表面区域的几何特性,推导出表面棱边单元法的基本公式。
The edge finite element interpolation function of 1-forms for prism is derived. 就三梭柱单元导出了棱边有限元法的1-形式线性插值基函数。
Metal edge element a short light metallic sound. 金属卷带周边滤清元件清脆、尖锐的金属响声。
The basic theory of edge element method and its application in 3-D nonlinear eddy current field are researched in this paper. 本文对棱单元法的基础理论及其在三维非线性涡流场的应用进行了研究。
Calculation of 3D Transient Eddy Current Using Finite Edge Element 运用有限棱单元法计算三维瞬态涡流问题
In this paper, the finite edge element method is introduced and analysed. 本文就有限棱单元法做了较全面的介绍和分析;
Application of edge element method in engineering eddy current problems 棱边有限元法在工程涡流问题中的应用研究
Change of orientation of edge element 边缘元素方位的变更
Fast Algorithms of Edge Element Discretizations and Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Two Classes of Maxwell Equations 求解两类Maxwell方程组棱元离散系统的快速算法和自适应方法
The proposed basis functions are 3-D linear functions and the tangential components of the vectors are continuous as the traditional edge element method. 该方法保持了普通棱边单元法的基本特性,维持变量的切向分量连续。
Semi-analytical dual edge element method and its application to waveguide discontinuities 半解析对偶棱边元及其在波导不连续性问题中的应用
Dual edge element can easily treat anisotropic media and solve different problems in uniform formulation, and has merits in numerical precision and computation for high order modes when compared with conventional edge element. 对偶棱边元方法易于处理各向异性材料,并可以统一地解决电磁波导的多个课题,与常规的棱边元方法相比在数值精度、高次模的计算等方面具有一定的优势。
Hierarchical Edge Element Analysis of Three Dimensional Resonators 应用叠层棱边有限元分析三维谐振腔
A dual edge element is proposed for electromagnetic waveguide with irregular cross section and inhomogeneous loaded materials. 对于复杂横截面和填充非均匀材料的电磁波导,提出对偶棱边元,对截面半解析离散后即可进行数值求解。
A class of non uniform dielectric waveguides with arbitrarily transverse cross sections was analyzed by a method, which combines the staircase approximation with the edge element and mode matching procedure. 用阶梯近似与边缘元和模匹配相结合的方法分析了一大类任意横截面形状非均匀介质波导的传输特性。
Analysis of metal-clad graded index planar optical waveguides with edge element method 金属包层渐变平板光波导的边缘元分析
How to identify the longitudinal bars, stirrups and tie bars in the edge element when drawing the working drawings of the shear-wall. 剪力墙结构施工图绘图时,边缘构件纵筋、箍筋及拉筋的表示方法。
Edge element computation of load performance of a claw-pole alternator 基于棱单元法计算爪极发电机负载特性
Surface basis function of edge element is derived and implemented to discretize the integral equation in this paper. 提出并推导了任意表面棱边单元法的基函数,其特性和三维棱边单元法一样,保持切向分量连续。
This paper deals with the 3D finite element analysis of the loss of the tank in main transformer of 200km/ h electric locomotive based on edge element. 本文利用基于边单元的有限元法,对一台200km/h高速电力机车主变压器的油箱损耗进行了三维有限元分析和计算。
The large universal finite element software-ANSYS is introduced in this paper. The principal theory of quasi-static magnetic filed and rationale of FEM relative to the research is presented systematically, in which edge element method is emphatically discussed. 本文引入大型通用有限元软件-ANSYS软件,较系统分析了与研究内容相关的似稳电磁场的基本理论,以及有限元法的基本原理,其中重点介绍了边单元的概念与特点。
Tree-gauge is used in the edge element to assure the unity A. 棱单元法中常采用树规范(Tree-gauge)来保证A的唯一性。
The effectiveness and accuracy of edge element-method are proved. 讨论了手征导纳、波导尺寸等参量对混合模截止频率的影响,验证了边元法的有效性和正确性。
The 3D model of the metro transformer was built up based on the nonlinear static finite element method with edge element and the equivalent inductances between different windings were calculated by the model. 采用基于边单元的稳态非线性有限元法,建立地铁变压器的三维有限元模型,对各绕组间的等效电感进行分析计算。
Dual edge element can surmount those difficulties related to node-based finite elements in computational electromagnetics, and our numerical examples show that dual edge element has its own merits when compared with regular edge element. 对偶棱边元克服了结点基有限元求解电磁场问题的困难,与常规棱边元相比在某些方面具有一定的优势。
With the low axial compressive force ratio, the stiffness and the ductility of the walls are controlled by the strength of the concrete, the section size and the longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups of the edge element. 在低轴压比下,试件刚度和延性受混凝土强度、截面尺寸以及边缘构件纵向钢筋及箍筋设计控制;分布钢筋对试件的承载力贡献不明显。